Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Aaron's been on me to try SCUBA diving since we met, so I finally took him up on it during a recent trip to Aruba. Some observations about Aruba: definitely more of a melting pot than other parts of the Carribbean I have visited - you've got Dutch, Columbians, Guatemalans, Mexicans, Americans, local Arubans, and each influence is distinct. Friendly place, friendlier than Nassau for sure. Beautiful beach, beautiful water, but that's what you come to expect in that area. The breeze is constant, so you never feel too hot which was awesome.

As for SCUBA, I did the first part of my PADI open water certification here in Nashville with Nashville SCUBA and then did my 4 check out dives in Aruba with Aruba Watersports. Melwin, our instructor, took us to several dive sites, most notably the Pedernalis and Antilla, both ship wrecks that featured incredible sea life. Coolest part was cruising along next to a sea turtle. See for yourself! SCUBA is awesome!